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Pre-Broadway/Toronto Revival

September 27 2013

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), Aiden Glenn (Gavroche), Madison Oldroyd (Little Cosette), Ella Ballentine (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Jonathan Winsby (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Andrew Love (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Babet), Ashley Wright (Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Montparnasse), Ashley Wright (Factory Foreman), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), Tyler Murree (Bamatabois), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer)

Master: Havvy

October 1 2013

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), Madison Oldroyd (Young Éponine)

October 4 2013

M4A tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), Aiden Glenn (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), Ella Ballentine (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), Ben Gunderson (u/s Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Jonathan Winsby (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Andrew Love (Lesgles), Tyler Murree (Bamatabois)

October 8 2013

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Ella Ballentine (Little Cosette), Andrew Love (The Bishop)

October 26 2013

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), John Rapson (Grantaire), Jonathan Winsby (s/w Courfeyrac), Ben Gunderson (s/w Montparnasse)

November 1 2013

M4A tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Matt Rosell (u/s Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), Aiden Glenn (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), John Rapson (Grantaire)

November 22 2013

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve LeClerc (Fantine), Melissa O'Neil (Eponine), Perry Sherman (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Lisa Horner (Madame Thenardier), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier) Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), Madison Oldroyd (Young Eponine), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Andrew Love (The Bishop of Digne, Lesgles), Caroline Colantonio (Innkeeper's Wife), Cornelia Luna (Wigmaker), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Tyler Murree (Farmer, Babet), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois, Grantaire, Major Domo), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Constable, Fauchelevent, Joly), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu, Brujon, Loud Hailer), Richard Barth (Constable, Courfeyrac u/s), Ashley Wright (Innkeeper, Foreman, Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Laborer, Montparnasse), Katie Beetham, Andreane Bouladier, Brittney Johnson, Elena Juatco, Marisa McIntyre

Master: juniper47

Never to be sold

November 8 2013

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), Ella Ballentine (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Richard Barth (u/s Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Andrew Love (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Babet), Ashley Wright (Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Montparnasse), Ashley Wright (Factory Foreman), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois)

November 29 2013

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Brittney Johnson (u/s Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), Aiden Glenn (Gavroche), Madison Oldroyd (Little Cosette), Ella Ballentine (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Jonathan Winsby (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Andrew Love (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Babet), Ashley Wright (Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Montparnasse), Ashley Wright (Factory Foreman), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Chris Zonneville (Labourer), Caroline Colantonio (Innkeeper's Wife), Ashley Wright (Innkeeper), Kristen Peace (Old Woman), Cornelia Luna (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), John Rapson (Major Domo), Tyler Murree (Farmer)

January 3 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Kristen Peace (u/s Madame Thénardier), Aiden Glenn (Gavroche), Ben Gunderson (u/s Grantaire)

January 11 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Andrew Love (u/s Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O’Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), Madison Oldroyd (Young Éponine), Colm Wilkinson (g/p The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Jonathan Winsby (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Jason Ostrowski (s/w Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Babet), Ashley Wright (Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Montparnasse), Ashley Wright (Factory Foreman), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Chris Zonneville (Labourer), Caroline Colantonio (Innkeeper’s Wife), Ashley Wright (Innkeeper), Jonathan Winsby (Constables), Kristen Peace (Old Woman), Cornelia Luna (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), John Rapson (Major Domo), Tyler Murree (Farmer)

Master: schaaaftrading

Notes: Special charity performance benefiting Casey House, Covenant House, Ernestine's Women's Shelter, The Franciscan Missionary Sisters For Africa, and Theater 20, featuring Colm Wilkinson. For scenes featuring Colm Wilkinson ("The Bishop" and "Finale"), all swings joined the ensemble.

February 2 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O’Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Madison Oldroyd (Little Cosette), Ella Ballentine (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Jonathan Winsby (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Andrew Love (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Babet), Ashley Wright (Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Montparnasse), Ashley Wright (Factory Foreman), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Caroline Colantonio (Innkeeper's Wife), Ashley Wright (Innkeeper), Kristen Peace (Old Woman), Cornelia Luna (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent)

Master: monhistoiretrading

Notes: Feel free to use this in trades but please label it as monhistoiretrading’s master if you do.

Second Broadway Revival

March 1 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)
Notes: First Preview

March 3 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

Master: Christineeponinetrades
Notes: Second preview

March 4 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), Adam Monley (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Adam Monley (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Andrew Kober (Babet), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), Betsy Morgan (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Christianne Tisdale (Innkeeper's Wife), Andrew Kober (Innkeeper), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Natalie Charle Ellis (Wigmaker), Chris McCarrell (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), John Rapson (Major Domo), Dennis Moench (Farmer)

Master: juniper47

Never to be sold

March 6 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Angeli Negron (Little Cosette), Mckayla Twiggs (Young Éponine), John Rapson (Grantaire)

March 20 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

March 21 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), John Rapson (Grantaire)

March 22 2014 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

March 23 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

Notes: Opening night of the 2nd Broadway revival. All the swings join the ensemble for The Finale.

March 27 2014

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), Adam Monley (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Adam Monley (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Terance Cedric Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Andrew Kober (Babet), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), Betsy Morgan (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Chris McCarrell (Labourer), Christianne Tisdale (Innkeeper's Wife), Andrew Kober (Innkeeper), Arbender Robinson (Constables), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Natalie Charle Ellis (Wigmaker), Chris McCarrell (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), John Rapson (Major Domo), Dennis Moench (Farmer)

March 28 2014

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette)

March 30 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Adam Monley (Bishop of Digne/Combeferre), Andrew Kober (Babet/Innkeeper), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman/Courfeyrac), Aaron Walpole (Brujon/Champmathieu), John Rapson (Grantaire/Bamatabois), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), McKayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Little Eponine), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Julie Benko, Erin Clemons, Emily Cramer, Natalie Charle Ellis, Mia Sinclair Jenness, Melissa Mitchell, Betsy Morgan, Melissa O'Neil, Christianne Tisdale

Master: oydtrades
Notes: Master formerly known as oh_you_dork

April 9 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine)

April 11 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)
Notes: Jason Forbach's Enjolras debut.

April 12 2014 (Matinee)

AIFF untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), McKayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Eponine), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche/Petit Gervais), Arbender J. Robinson (Montparnasse/Constable), Andrew Kober (Babet/Innkeeper), Aaron Walpole (Brujon/Chapmanthieu/Loud Hailer), Bun Gunderson (s/w Claquesous/Farmer), Adam Monley (Combeferre/The Bishop Of Digne), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac/Constable/Factory Foreman), Chris McCarrell (Joly/Laborer/Fauchelevent), John Rapson (Grantaire/Bamatabois/Major Domo), Terance Cedric Reddick (Lesgles), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Rachel Rincione (s/w Innkeeper's Wife), Betsy Morgan (Factory Girl), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Natalie Charle Ellis (Wigmaker), Julie Benko, Erin Clemons, Heidi Giberson, Mia Sinclair Jenness, Melissa Mitchell, Mellisa O'Neil, Cathryn Basile, John Brink, Ben Gunderson, Weston Wells Olson, Rachel Rincione

May 31 2014 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)
Notes: This was the matinee performance when the audience got up before the finale was over and gave them a standing ovation; The cast was very touched and some (particularly Keala Settle) were tearing up at the show of support; A very touching performance by all

June 20 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Angeli Negron (Little Cosette), McKayla Twiggs (Little Eponine), Adam Monley (Bishop of Digne/Combeferre), Andrew Kober (Babet/Innkeeper), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman/Courfeyrac), Aaron Walpole (Brujon/Champmathieu), Ben Gunderson (u/s Grantaire/Bamatabois), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Jean Prouvaire), Terance Reddick (Lesgles)

June 24 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (u/s Marius), Nikki M James (Eponine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Mme Thenardier)

Master: magicshowsandmiracles

June 28 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (u/s Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Angeli Negron (Little Cosette), Mckayla Twiggs (Young Éponine), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Feuilly), Ben Gunderson (s/w Labourer), Ben Gunderson (Fauchelevent)

Master: tothemeraldcitytrades

July 2 2014 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M. James (Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)

Master: HBCFG

July 8 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Melissa O'Neil (u/s Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Emily Cramer (u/s Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Adam Monley (The Bishop)

Master: ColorAndLight

Notes: Melissa's first time on as Fantine.

July 8 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Melissa O'Neil (u/s Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Emily Cramer (u/s Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Adam Monley (The Bishop)

Master: hitmewithyourbethshot
Notes: Melissa's first as Fantine

July 9 2014 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Melissa O'Neil (u/s Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Adam Monley (The Bishop)

Master: HBCFG

July 22 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (t/r Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Erin Clemons (t/r Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Andrew Love (t/r The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Andrew Love (t/r Combeferre), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Andrew Kober (Babet), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Claquesous), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), John Rapson (Bamatabois)
Notes: Adam, Erin, and Andrew's first show as temporary replacement Javert, Éponine, and the Bishop, respectively.

July 23 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (t/r Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Erin Clemons (u/s Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), John Rapson (Grantaire)

July 29 2014 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (t/r Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Andrew Love (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Andrew Kober (Babet), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), Betsy Morgan (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois)

Master: schaaaftrading

Notes: Rapson's first performance wherein his Grantaire stops Enjolras before going back up the barricade in the Final Battle to give him one last hug.

August 13 2014 (Matinee)

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (t/r Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Heidi Giberson (u/s Cosette), Chris McCarrell (u/s Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mia Sinclair Jenness (u/s Little Cosette), Mckayla Twiggs (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (t/r The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Andrew Love (t/r Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Richard Barth (u/s Courfeyrac), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Andrew Kober (Babet), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Ben Gunderson (u/s Montparnasse), Terance Reddick (u/s Factory Foreman), John Rapson (Bamatabois)

Master: oydtrades

August 15 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Adam Monley (Bishop of Digne/Combeferre), Andrew Kober (Babet/Innkeeper/u/s Factory Foreman), Richard Barth (u/s Courfeyrac), Aaron Walpole (Brujon/Champmathieu), John Rapson (Grantare/Bamatabois), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Max Quinlan (Jean Prouvaire), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Mia Sinclair Jenness (u/s Little Cosette), McKayla Twiggs (Little Eponine), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)
Notes: Earl's first show as Javert on Broadway

August 29 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), John Rapson (u/s Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Adam Monley (Bishop of Digne/Combeferre), Andrew Kober (Babet/Innkeeper/u/s Bamatabois), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman/Courfeyrac), Aaron Walpole (Brujon/Champmathieu), Dennis Moench (Claquesous/u/s Grandtaire), Arbender Robinson (Montparmasse), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Andrew Love (u/s Lesgles), Max Quinlan (u/s Major Domo), McKayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Little Eponine), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)
Notes: John Rapson's first as Thenardier on Broadway.

August 30 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Erin Clemons (u/s Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), John Rapson (u/s Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)

October 1 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Arbender Robinson (u/s Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

Master: unloz
Notes: Technical difficulty during Javert’s Suicide.

October 2 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Christianne Tisdale* (u/s Mme. Thénardier), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Kyle Scattliffe (Enjolras), Chris McCarrell* (u/s Marius), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette)

Master: juniper47

Notes: A beautiful audio, if I do say so myself. And spectacular performances from my personal favorites, Earl Carpenter & Caissie Levy. And I loved Christianne Tisdale's take on Mme. T! MP3 (tracked). Never to be sold

October 4 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (u/s Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thenardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), McKayla Twiggs (Young Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Eponine), Adam Monley (Bishop of Digne/Combeferre), Andrew Kober (Babet/Innkeeper), Nathanial Hackman (Factory Foreman/Courfeyrac), Andrew Love (u/s Brujon/Champmathieu), John Rapson (Grantaire/Bamatabois), Dennis Moench (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Richard Barth (u/s Joly), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Rachel Rinchone (u/s Factory Girl)
Notes: Chris McCarrell performs his usual track up until “Look Down (Paris)”

October 5 2014

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Nikki M. James (Éponine), Melissa Mitchell (u/s Cosette), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Chris McCarell (u/s Marius), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thenardier), McKayla Twiggs (Young Cosette), Angeli Negron (Little Éponine), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

November 6 2014

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Matt Rosell (u/s Marius), Melissa O'Neil (u/s Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Adam Monley (u/s Grantaire)

January 2 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Mme. Thénardier), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras) 

Master: 2460waan

Notes: Includes a memorable line flub during The Waltz of Treachery, which sent Ramin into a giggle fit.

January 9 2015

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Arbender Robinson (u/s Marius), Nikki M. James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), Adam Monley (Grantaire), Rachel Rincione (u/s Factory Girl)

January 11 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Matt Rosell (u/s Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), John Rapson (u/s Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Adam Monley (Grantaire)
Notes: Cliff Saunders was on for Thenardier through Master of The House and was then replaced by John Rapson. Nikki's very emotional final show, crying through On My Own and with Matt during A Little Fall of Rain.

January 15 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (u/s Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Erin Clemons (u/s Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Tyler Murree (Grantaire)

January 28 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Erin Clemons (t/r Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

January 31 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (u/s Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Erin Clemons (t/r Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thenardier), Tyler Murree (Farmer), Andrew Kober (Innkeeper), John Rapson (Bishop), Arbender Robinson (Constables), Nathaniel Hackmann (Foreman), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Cathryn Basile (Wigmaker), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Chris McCarrell (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Angeli Negron (Little Cosette), Mckayla Twiggs (Young Éponine), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Arbender J. Robinson (Montparnasse), Andrew Kober (Babet), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Weston Wells Olson (Combeferre), Jason Feuilly (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Chris McCarrell (Joly), John Rapson (Grantaire), Terance Cedric Reddick (Lesgles), Matt Rosell (Prouvaire), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), John Rapson (Major Domo)

February 14 2015 (Matinee)

MP3 un/tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Brittney Johnson (u/s Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Hannah Shankman (u/s Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (alt Gavroche), Angeli Negron (Little Cosette), Mckayla Twiggs (Young Éponine), Adam Monley (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Adam Monley (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Chris McCarrell (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Andrew Love (u/s Babet), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu)  

Notes: Brittney and Hannah's debut in these tracks, and Brittney's only performance as Fantine.

February 15 2015

MP4/MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Brittney Johnson (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Christianne Tisdale (u/s Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Joshua Colley (u/s Gavroche), Chris McCarrell (Joly)

Master: bisexualrogers
Notes: Chris McCarrell's final performance as Joly. Gaten was Gavroche for Act One, Josh took over in Act Two. In Act One, the audio cuts out from 0:12:26-0:12:31. In Act Two there are a few squeaking sounds from my chair, but they aren't too distracting. Act One was uplaoded as mp4 by mistake.

February 22 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (u/s Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Brittney Johnson (t/r Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Angeli Negron (Little Cosette), Mckayla Twiggs (Young Éponine), John Rapson (u/s The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Andrew Kober (Babet), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Andrew Kober (Innkeeper), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu)

Master: oydtrades

February 25 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Brittney Johnson (t/r Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), Terance Reddick (u/s The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Andrew Kober (Babet), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Andrew Kober (Innkeeper), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu)

March 1 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Brittney Johnson (t/r Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Mckayla Twiggs (Little Cosette), Angeli Negron (Young Éponine), John Rapson (u/s The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire)
Notes: Final performance for: Caissie Levy, Andy Mientus, Brittney Johnson, Samantha Hill, Kyle Scatliffe, Cliff Saunders, Keala Settle, Gaten Matarazzo, Angeli Negron, McKayla Twiggs

March 3 2015

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Lilyana Cornell (Little Cosette), Fabi Aguirre (Young Éponine), John Rapson (The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Nathaniel Hackmann (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Andrew Kober (Babet), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Nathaniel Hackmann (Factory Foreman), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois)
Notes: First performances for Erika, Brennyn, Wallace, Gavin, Rachel, Fabi, Sam, and Eleanor; Lilyana as Little Cosette; Chris' first as full-time Marius

March 7 2015 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Adam Monley (u/s Grantaire), Athan Sporek (Gavroche), Lilyana Cornell (Little Cosette), Andrew Love (u/s Courfeyrac), Max Quinlan (u/s Jean Prouvaire), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Bamatabois), Terance Reddick (u/s Factory Foreman), Hannah Shankman

Master: BoqtheMunchkin

April 7 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Melissa Mitchell (u/s Cosette), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Athan Sporek (Gavroche), Fabi Aguirre (Little Cosette), Lilyana Cornell (Young Eponine)

Notes: Includes BC/EFA Speech by Gavin Lee, Fabi Aguirre, Chris McCarrell, and Wallace Smith.

May 5 2015

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche)

May 17 2015 (Matinee)

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Monsieur Thenardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thenardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Fabi Aguirre (Little Cosette), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Feuilly), Cathryn Basile (u/s Siri Howard's track), Julie Benko (u/s Melissa Mitchell's track)

Master: HBCFG

Notes: A few minor interruptions from ushers reprimanding patrons in the surrounding seats.

July 1 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine). Chris McCarrell (Marius), Melissa Mitchell (u/s Cosette), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thenardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thenardier), Tyler Muree (u/s Grantaire/Bamatabois), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Foreman/Feuilly), Andrew Love (s/w), Cathryn Basile (s/w), Julie Benko (s/w)

July 7 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Andrew Love (u/s Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Lilyana Cornell (Little Cosette), Joe Spieldenner (The Bishop), Joe Spieldenner (Grantaire), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Combeferre), Max Quinlan (s/w Jean Prouvaire), Max Quinlan (s/w Joly), Ben Gunderson (s/w Factory Foreman)

Master: natprouvaire

Notes: First Broadway performance of Andrew Love as Javert. Joe Spieldenner's Broadway debut. Because Max Quinlan was swing for Matt Rosell and Alan Shaw, he ended up playing Joly and Prouvaire, and therefore sang that entire section of Drink With Me by himself.

July 15 2015

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (u/s Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Erin Clemons (u/s Éponine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thenardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thenardier), Athan Sporek (Gavroche)

July 19 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thenardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thenardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Lilyana Cornell (Little Cosette), Fabi Aguirre (Little Éponine), Adam Monley (Bishop of Digne), Adam Monley (u/s Grantaire), Andrew Love (u/s Combeferre/Major Domo), Richard Barth (t/r Babet/Innkeeper), Aaron Walpole (Brujon/Champmathieu), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Tyler Murree (u/s Bamatabois), Arbender Robinson (Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Jason Forbach (t/r Factory Foreman), Kyle Jean-Baptiste (Courfeyrac), Alan Shaw (Joly), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Erin Clemons, Siri Howard (u/s for Emily), Natalie Charle Ellis, Julie Benko (u/s for Siri), Eleanor Koski, Melissa Mitchell, Megan Osterhaus, Hannah Shankman, Christianne Tisdale

Master: oydtrades

August 13 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Kyle Jean-Baptiste (u/s Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Max Quinlan (u/s Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Monsieur Thenardier), and Rachel Izen (Madame Thenardier)

Master: 2460waan

August 19 2015 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Hannah Shankman (u/s Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Joseph Spieldenner (Grantaire)
Notes: Hannah's first performance as Fantine. flubbed lines in "I Dreamed A Dream" and "Fantine's Arrest”.

August 26 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Lilyana Cornell (Little Cosette), Fabi Aguirre (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (The Bishop), Joseph Spieldenner (Grantaire), Andrew Love (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Kyle Jean-Baptiste (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Matt McMahan (Babet), Eric Van Tielen (Claquesous), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Factory Foreman), Siri Howard (s/w Factory Girl), Joseph Spieldenner (Bamatabois), Alan Shaw (Labourer), Beth Kirkpatrick (Innkeeper's Wife), Matt McMahan (Innkeeper), Kyle Jean-Baptiste (Constables), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Cathryn Basil (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), Joseph Spieldenner (Major Domo), Eric Van Tielen (Farmer)

Master: esteliel

Notes: At curtain call, Ramin dragged Earl to the front of the stage and tried to make him bow alone after Ramin’s bow.

August 27 2015

MP3 tracked

Cast: Kyle Jean-Baptiste (u/s Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche)

Notes: Kyle's final performance as Valjean

August 28 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Athan Sporek (Gavroche), Andrew Love (The Bishop), Joseph Spieldenner (Grantaire), Andrew Love (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Kyle Jean-Baptiste (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Cedric Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Matt McMahan (Babet), Eric Van Tielen (Claquesous), Max Quinlan (Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Factory Foreman), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), Joseph Spieldenner (Bamatabois), Alan Shaw (Labourer), Beth Kirkpatrick (Innkeeper's Wife), Matt McMahan (Innkeeper), Kyle Jean-Baptiste (Constables), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Cathryn Basile (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), Joseph Spieldenner (Major Domo), Eric Van Tielen (Farmer)

Master: esteliel

August 29 2015 (Matinee)

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Andrew Love (The Bishop), Joseph Spieldenner (Grantaire), Andrew Love (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Courfeyrac), Richard Barth (s/w Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Cedric Reddick (Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Matt McMahan (Babet), Tyler Murree (Claquesous), Max Quinlan (s/w Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Factory Foreman), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), Joseph Spieldenner (Bamatabois), Alan Shaw (Labourer), Beth Kirkpatrick (Innkeeper's Wife), Matt McMahan (Innkeeper), Max Quinlan (Constables), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Cathryn Basile (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), Joseph Spieldenner (Major Domo), Tyler Murree (Farmer)

Master: esteliel

Notes: Includes Ramin's lyrical change during "Bring Him Home" in memory of Kyle Jean-Baptiste. ("He was young, he was only a boy").

August 29 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Lilyana Cornell (Little Cosette), Fabi Aguirre (Young Éponine), Andrew Love (t/r The Bishop), Joseph Spieldenner (Grantaire), Andrew Love (t/r Combeferre), Weston Wells Olson (u/s Courfeyrac), Richard Barth (u/s Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Matt McMahan (t/r Babet), Jason Forbach (Factory Foreman), Joseph Spieldenner (Bamatabois)

Master: esteliel
Notes: Day after the death of Valjean understudy Kyle Jean-Baptiste

August 30 2015

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Andrew Love (The Bishop), Joseph Spieldenner (Grantaire), Andrew Love (Combeferre), Jason Forbach (Feuilly), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Terance Cedric Reddick (Lesgles), Richard Barth (Brujon), Matt McMahan (Babet), Eric Van Tielen (Claquesous), Max Quinlan (s/w Montparnasse), Jason Forbach (Factory Foreman), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), Joseph Spieldenner (Bamatabois), Alan Shaw (Labourer), Beth Kirkpatrick (Innkeeper's Wife), Matt McMahan (Innkeeper), Max Quinlan (Constables), Emily Cramer (Old Woman), Siri Howard (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Richard Barth (Champmathieu), Richard Barth (Loud Hailer), Joseph Spieldenner (Major Domo), Eric Van Tielen (Farmer) 

Master: esteliel
Notes: Final performance for Ramin, Erika and Samantha

January 24 2016

MP3 untracked

Cast: Will Ray (u/s Jean Valjean), Adam Monley (t/r Javert), Megan Osterhaus (u/s Fantine), Alex Finke (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sean Reda (Gavroche), Danielle Gordon (u/s Little Cosette), Terance Reddick (u/s The Bishop), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Courfeyrac), Rachel Rincione (u/s Factory Girl), Lin-Manuel Miranda (g/p Loud Hailer)

Master: esteliel

Notes: Lin-Manuel Miranda as the Loud Hailer

Broadway & USA Misc.

August 24 2002


M4A tracked

Cast: J. Mark McVey (Jean Valjean), Robert Gallagher (Javert), Jacquelyn Piro (Fantine), Jodie Langel (u/s Éponine), Peter Lockyer (Marius), Sandra Turley (Cosette), Christopher Mark Peterson (Enjolras), Nick Wyman (Thenardier), Kathy Santen (Madame Thenardier), Danielle Melanie Brown (Young Cosette), Jimmy Walsh (Gavroche), David McDonald (Grantaire), James Chip Leonard (Bishop/Montparnasse), Erika MacLeod (Factory Girl), Allan Snyder (Babet), John Cudia (Brujon), Neal Mayer (Claquesous), Randy Glass (s/w Feuilly), Ron Sharpe (Courfeyrac), Gregory Brandt (s/w Joly/Major Domo), David Gagnon (Lesgles), David Josefsberg (Prouvaire), Karen Elliot, Ana Maria Adricain, Melisssa Minyard, Rona Figueroa, Marnie Nicolella, Sarah Dacey Charles, Heather Ferguson

February 6 2003


MP3 tracked

Cast: J Mark McVey (Jean Valjean), Terrence Mann (Javert), Lauren Kennedy (Fantine), Sandra Turley (Cosette), Sandra Turley (Marius), Diana Kaarina (Éponine), Christopher Mark Peterson (Enjolras), Nick Wyman (Thénardier), Aymee Garcia (Madame Thénardier), Nick Jonas (Gavroche)

May 18 2003


MP3 tracked

Cast: Randal Keith (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Jayne Paterson (Fantine), Sandra Turley (Cosette), Kevin Kern (Marius), Diana Kaarina (Éponine), Christopher Mark Peterson (Enjolras), Stephen Brian Patterson (Thénardier), Aymee Garcia (Madame Thénardier), Nick Jonas (Gavroche)
Notes: Final performance of the Original Broadway Production

October 24 2006

First Broadway Revival

M4A tracked

Cast: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Éponine), Aaron Lazar (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Drew Sarich (Grantaire)

Notes: First Preview

January 5 2006

Third National Tour

MP3 tracked

Cast: Randal Keith (Jean Valjean), Robert Hunt (Javert), Joan Almedilla (Fantine), Sierra Boggess (u/s Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Melissa Lyons (Éponine), Victor Wallace (Enjolras), David McDonald (Thénardier), Jennifer Butt (Madame Thénardier), Austyn Myers (Gavroche), Rachel Schier (Little Cosette)

Master: juniper47

Notes: Only known audio of Sierra as Cosette. Also her first performance as Cosette. Never to be sold

February 22 2014

North Carolina Theatre

MP3 untracked

Cast: Craig Schulman (Jean Valjean), Chuck Wagner (Javert), Lauren Kennedy (Fantine), Julie Benko (Cosette), Bruce Landry (Marius), English Bernhardt (Éponine), Charlie Brady (Enjolras), Dirk Lumbard (Thénardier), Alison Cimmet (Madame Thénardier), Reed Shannon (Gavroche), Riley Rose Campbell (Little Cosette)

November 2 2022

Sixth National Tour

M4A untracked

Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Preston Truman Boyd (Javert), Haley Dortch (Fantine), Christine Heesun Hwang (Eponine), Gregory Lee Rodriguez (Marius), Addie Morales (Cosette), Matt Crowle (Thenardier), Christina Rose Hall (Madame Thenardier), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Gabriel Lafazan (Gavroche), Cora Jane Messer (Little Cosette), Hazel Vogel (Young Eponine)

Master: BoqTheMunchkin
Notes: Opening night of the tour’s run in Philly! The cast is really top notch and the audience was living for it. Some minor mic issues in Act Two. File includes company board and understudy board photo.

November 10 2022

Sixth National Tour

M4A untracked

Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Preston Truman Boyd (Javert), Haley Dortch (Fantine), Matt Crowle (Thenardier), Christina Rose Hall (Madame Thenardier), Gregory Lee Rodriguez (Marius), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Christine Heesun Hwang (Éponine), Addie Morales (Cosette), Gabriel Lafazan (Gavroche), Cora Jane Messer (Little Cosette), Hazel Vogel (Young Eponine)

Master: BoqTheMunchkin
Notes: Philly like myself loves Les Mis and their energy is felt through the entire show. Features some audience greatest hits such as coughing, crinkling water bottles, and gentle banging of the railing next to me. This cast is wonderful and if the tour is coming to a city near you - go! File includes understudy and company board photos. Rules: No TikTok, no Tumblr, no Reddit, no YouTube, etc. List as BoqTheMunchkin’s Master.

January 3 2023

Sixth National Tour

M4A untracked

Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Preston Truman Boyd (Javert), Haley Dortch (Fantine), Matt Crowle (Thénardier), Christina Rose Hall (Madame Thénardier), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Christine Heesun Hwang (Éponine), Gregory Lee Rodriguez (Marius), Addie Morales (Cosette), Cora Jane Messer (Little Cosette), Hazel Vogel (Young Éponine), Gabriel Lafazan (Gavroche), Kyle Adams (Grantaire), Daniel Gerard Bittner (Feuilly), Ben Cherington (u/s Bamatabois/Babet), Steve Czarnecki (Factory Foreman/Brujon), Kelsey Denae (Wigmaker), Randy Jeter (Bishop of Digne/Lesgles/Loud Hailer), Benjamin H. Moore (Claquesous), Julia Ellen Richardson (Factory Girl), Tim Quartier (Courfeyrac), Emily Somé (Old Woman), Christopher James Tamayo (Montparnasse), J.T. Wood (Joly), David Young (Jean Prouvaire), Jenna Burns (Ensemble), Arianne DiCerbo (Ensemble), Genevieve Ellis (Ensemble), Daelynn Carter Jorif (Ensemble), Olivia J. Lu (Ensemble), Eden Mau (Ensemble), Christopher Robin Sapp (Ensemble)

Master: Pushmipullu
Notes: An alarm on someone's phone near me goes off during Fantine's arrest, otherwise a pretty clean recording. Never to be sold

May 25 2023 (Matinee)

Sixth National Tour

M4A un/tracked

Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Preston Truman Boyd (Javert), Haley Dortch (Fantine), Christine Heesun Hwang (Éponine), Gregory Lee Rodriguez (Marius), Addie Morales (Cosette), Matt Crowle (Thenardier), Christina Rose Hall (Madame Thenardier), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Milo Maharlika (Gavroche), Cora Jane Messer (Young Éponine), Vivian Atencio (Little Cosette), Kyle Adams (Grantaire/Major Domo), Steve Czarnecki (Farmer/Factory Foreman/Brujon), Randy Jeter (Bishop/Lesgles/Loud Hailer), Julia Ellen Richardson (Factory Girl),Michelle Beth Herman (s/w Old Woman), Kelsey Denae (Wigmaker), Ciaran Bowling (Bamatabois/Babet), J.T. Wood (Fauchelevent/Joly), Andrew Marks Maughan (Champmathieu/Combeferre), Christopher James Tamayo (Montparnasse), Benjamin H. Moore (Claquesous/Innkeeper), Eden Mau (Innkeeper’s Wife) Daniel Gerard Bittner (Feuilly/Laborer), Ethan Rogers (Courfeyrac), David Young Fernandez (Jean Prouvaire), Jenna Burns, Ariane DiCerbo, Genevieve Ellis, Daelynn Carter Jorif, Sofie Nesanelis

Master: screechout
Notes: Les Mis <3 There was a show stop in Act 2 after Javert's Suicide lasting about a minute that has been edited out of the audio.

June 2 2023

Sixth National Tour

MP3 untracked

Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Preston Truman Boyd (Javert), Haley Dortch (Fantine), Christine Heesun Hwang (Éponine), Gregory Lee Rodriguez (Marius), Addie Morales (Cosette), Matt Crowle (Thenardier), Christina Rose Hall (Madame Thenardier), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Henry Kirk (Gavroche), Vivian Atencio (Young Éponine), Cora Jane Messer (Young Cosette), Kyle Adams (Grantaire/Major Demo), Steve Czarnecki (Farmer/Brujon), Randy Jeter (Bishop/Lesgles/Loud Hailer), Julia Ellen Richardson (Factory Girl), Michelle Beth Herman (s/w Old Woman), Kelsey Denae (Wigmaker), Ciaran Bowling (Bamatabois/Babet), Christopher Robin Sapp (s/w Fauchelevent/Joly), Andrew Marks Maughan (Champmathieu/Combeferre), Christopher James Tamayo (Montparnasse), Benjamin H. Moore (Claquesous/Innkeeper), Eden May (Innkeeper’s Wife), Daniel Gerard Bittner (Feuilly/Laborer), Ethan Rogers (Courfeyrac), David Young Fernandez (Jean Prouvaire), Jenna Burns, Ariane DiCerbo, Genevieve Ellis, Daelynn Carter Jorif, Sofie Nesanelis

Master: chillintheregrets

Notes: Clear audio taken from the orchestra. Includes Pre-Show announcement, Obvious gunshot warning for a lot of Act 2 in case you’re sensitive to loud noise. Thank you to Felix (impertinent-behavior) for editing for me. Clapping is loud, and my fidgeting throughout the show can probably be heard.

June 3 2023 (Matinee)

Sixth National Tour

M4A untracked

Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Preston Truman Boyd (Javert), Haley Dortch (Fantine), Christine Heesun Hwang (Éponine), Gregory Lee Rodriguez (Marius), Addie Morales (Cosette), Matt Crowle (Thenardier), Christina Rose Hall (Madame Thenardier), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Milo Maharlika (Gavroche), Cora Jane Messer (Young Éponine), Vivian Atencio (Little Cosette), Kyle Adams (Grantaire/Major Domo), Steve Czarnecki (Farmer/Factory Foreman/Brujon), Randy Jeter (Bishop/Lesgles/Loud Hailer), Julia Ellen Richardson (Factory Girl), Michelle Beth Herman (s/w Old Woman), Kelsey Denae (Wigmaker), Ciaran Bowling (Bamatabois/Babet), Christopher Robin Sapp (s/w Fauchelevent/Joly), Andrew Marks Maughan (Champmathieu/Combeferre), Christopher James Tamayo (Montparnasse), Benjamin H. Moore (Claquesous/Innkeeper), Eden Mau (Innkeeper’s Wife) Daniel Gerard Bittner (Feuilly/Laborer), Ethan Rogers (Courfeyrac), David Young Fernandez (Jean Prouvaire), Jenna Burns, Ariane DiCerbo, Genevieve Ellis, Daelynn Carter Jorif, Sofie Nesanelis

Master: missceciliespants
Notes: First ~12 minutes are basically junk because I ended up being late and had to watch outside on the monitor and the people around me wouldn’t shut up because they apparently didn’t care about missing the beginning of the show

West End

September 7 2002


WAV tracked

Cast: Mike Sterling (Valjean), Alan Vicary (u/s Javert), Carmen Cusack (Fantine), Helen French (Cosette), Hadley Fraser (Marius), Sophia Ragavelas (Éponine), Paul Manuel (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Jennie Dale (u/s Mme Thénardier), David Arneil (u/s The Bishop), Craig Nicholls (u/s Factory Foreman), Ramin Karimloo (Feuilly)

October 22 2002

MP3 tracked

Cast: Michael Sterling (Jean Valjean), Jérôme Pradon (Javert), Carmen Cusack (Fantine), Hadley Fraser (Marius), Rebecca Seale (u/s Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (u/s Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Rosemary Ashe (Madame Thénardier), Chris Hawkins (Gavroche)

January 7 2003

MP3 untracked

Cast: Chris Fennessy (u/s Jean Valjean), Jérôme Pradon (Javert), Carmen Cusack (Fantine), Helen French (Cosette), Hadley Fraser (Marius), Rebecca Seale (u/s Éponine), Paul Manuel (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Rosemary Ashe (Madame Thénardier)

March 22 2003

WMA tracked

Cast: Hans Peter Janssens (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Carmen Cusack (Fantine), Helen French (Cosette), Ramin Karimloo (u/s Marius), Rebecca Seale (u/s Éponine), Paul Manuel (Enjolras), Sean Kingsley (u/s Thénardier), Rosemary Ashe (Madame Thénardier), Liam Ross-Mills (Gavroche), Lydia White (Little Cosette), David Ashley (Grantaire)

May 24 2003

WMA tracked

Cast: Hans Peter Janssens (Jean Valjean), Alan Vicary (u/s Javert), Helen French (u/s Fantine), Sarah Lane (u/s Cosette), Hadley Fraser (Marius), Sophia Ragavelas (Éponine), Paul Manuel (Enjolras), Sean Kingsley (u/s Thénardier), Rosemary Ashe (Madame Thénardier)

September 16 2004

WMA tracked

Cast: Sean Kingsley (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Siubhan Harrison (u/s Fantine), Julia Möller (Cosette), Gary Tushaw (Marius), Kelly-Anne Gower (u/s Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Troy Sussman (u/s Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Drew Levi Huntsman (Gavroche), Anna Rose O’Sullivan (Little Cosette)

September 27 2004

MP3 tracked

Cast: Sean Kingsley (Jean Valjean), Mark Dickinson (u/s Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Julia Möller (Cosette), Gary Tushaw (Marius), Gemma Wardle (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Drew-Levi Huntsman (Gavroche), Matt Harrop (Grantaire)

October 29 2004

MP3 tracked

Cast: Tim Godwin (u/s Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), AJ Callaghan (u/s Éponine), Daniel Reeves (u/s Marius), Julia Moller (Cosette), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thenardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thenardier)
Notes: Show stopped temporarily after Stars.

November 11 2004

MP3 untracked

Cast: Sean Kingsley (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Gemma Wardle (Eponine), Nicolas Pinto-Sander (u/s Marius), Julia Moller (Cosette), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thenardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thenardier)
Notes: One of Nicolas' two performances as 2nd u/s for Marius. Extended highlights concentrating on the student scenes. Missing "Valjean's Soliloquy", "I Dreamed a Dream", "Who Am I?" through "The Confrontation", "Master of the House" through "Waltz of Treachery", "On My Own", "Bring Him Home", "Dog Eats Dog", and "Javert's Suicide".

November 18 2004

MP3 untracked

Cast: Tim Godwin (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Julia Möller (Cosette), Gary Tushaw (Marius), Gemma Wardle (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Drew Levi Huntsman (Gavroche), Anna Rose O’Sullivan (Little Cosette)
Notes: Featuring a special announcement by Cameron Mackintosh, an in-show “Do You Hear the People Sing” sung in French by Ramin Karimloo, and an after-show “One Day More” sung by Michael Ball as Valjean, Jérôme Pradon and Simon Bowman as Marius, Claire Moore as Cosette, Frances Ruffelle and Jenna Russell as Eponine, Simon Bowman as Enjolras and Rosemary Ashe as Madame Thénardier

December 29 2004

MP3 tracked

Cast: Sean Kingsley (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Gillian Budd (u/s Cosette), Daniel Reeves (u/s Marius), Gemma Wardle (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Troy Sussman (u/s Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

January 12 2005

MP3 tracked

Cast: Sean Kingsley (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Gillian Budd (u/s Cosette), Gary Tushaw (Marius), A.J. Callaghan (u/s Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), James Burgess (Gavroche)

January 22 2005

MP3 tracked

Cast: Tim Godwin (u/s Jean Valjean), Mark Dickinson (u/s Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Gemma Wardle (Éponine), Gary Tushaw (Marius), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Julia Möller (Cosette), Stephen Tate (Thenardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thenardier), James Burgess (Gavroche)

February 15 2005

MP3 tracked

Cast: Tim Godwin (u/s Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Katy Secombe (Madame Thenardier), Stephen Tate (Thenardier), Amanda Jane Callaghan (u/s Eponine), Julia Möller (Cosette), Daniel Reeves (u/s Marius), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras)

April 5 2005

MP3 tracked

Cast: Sean Kingsley (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Daniel Reeves (u/s Marius), Gemma Wardle (Eponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras)

June 21 2010

MP3 tracked

Cast: Simon Bowman (Jean Valjean), Hans Peter Janssens (Javert), Rebecca Seale (Fantine), Camilla Kerslake (Cosette), Nick Jonas (Marius), Samantha Barks (Éponine), Killian Donnelly (Enjolras), Martin Ball (Thénardier), Lorraine Bruce (Madame Thénardier), Gavin James (The Bishop), Martin Neely (Grantaire), Gavin James (Combeferre), Scott Garnham (Feuilly), Spike Grimsey (s/w Courfeyrac), Matthew Seadon-Young (Jean Prouvaire), Dylan Williams (Joly), Jay Bryce (Lesgles), Simon Shorten (Babet), George Miller (Claquesous), James Smoker (Montparnasse), Lucy Garrioch, Natalie Day, Chloe Brookes, AJ Callaghan, Helen Owen, Francesca Leyland, Jeff Nicholson (Factory Foreman), Chloe Hart (Factory Girl), Rachel Bingham (Crone), George Miller (Bamatabois)

July 4 2011

AIFF untracked

Cast: Jonathan Williams (alt Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Oliver Gilmartin (Gavroche)

Notes: Includes bloopers - At the start of Valjean’s Confession Craig forgot his lines, so ‘not another word my son’ became hilarious because all he had sung was gibberish!

December 2 2011

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Shaun Dalton (u/s Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

Master: theatrefan93

December 6 2011

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Helen Owen (u/s Éponine), Scott Garnham (u/s Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)
Notes: Performance halted for a few moments during 'Fantine's Arrest'.

December 9 2011

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Fra Fee (u/s Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Daniel Huttlestone (Gavroche)

November 29 2011

M4A untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Leanne Rogers (u/s Madame Thénardier), Daniel Huttlestone (Gavroche)
Notes: Ramin’s first as Jean Valjean

December 14 2011

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

Master: toomuchlove635

January 7 2012

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Scott Garnham (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

January 11 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Scott Garnham (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

January 13 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Scott Garnham (u/s Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

January 21 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Cameron Blakely (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Leanne Rogers (u/s Madame Thénardier)

Master: toomuchlove365

February 1 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Zoe Doano (1st Cover Cosette), Fra Fee (u/s Marius), Alexia Khadime (Eponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thenardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thenardier)

February 3 2012

AIFF untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Fra Fee (u/s Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Scott Garnham (u/s Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

February 28 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Helen Owen (u/s Éponine), Fra Fee (u/s Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)
Notes: Fra Fee's first performance as Enjolras.

March 2 2012

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

March 6 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Adam Linstead (u/s Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

March 8 2012

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Helen Owen (u/s Éponine), Fra Fee (u/s Enjolras)

March 10 2012

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Scott Garnham (u/s Enjolras), Adam Linstead (u/s Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

March 28 2012

MP3 untracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), AJ Callaghan (u/s Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Helen Owen (u/s Éponine), Fra Fee (u/s Enjolras), Adam Linstead (u/s Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

March 31 2012 (Matinee)

MP3 tracked

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Cameron Blakely (u/s Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Craig Mather (Marius), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Helen Owen (u/s Éponine)

July 9 2012

MP3 tracked

Cast: Gerónimo Rauch (Jean Valjean), Tam Mutu (Javert), Sierra Boggess (Fantine), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Jonny Purchase (u/s Marius), Danielle Hope (Éponine), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (t/r Madame Thénardier), Tommy Rodger (Gavroche), Isabelle Methven (Little Cosette), Adam Linstead (The Bishop), Adam Linstead (Grantaire), Robert Vickers (Combeferre), Oliver Savile (Feuilly), Chris Holland (Courfeyrac), Dayle Hodge (Jean Prouvaire), James Charlton (s/w Joly), Michael Storrs (Lesgles), Carl Mullaney (Babet), George Miller (s/w Claquesous), Andy Coxon (Montparnasse), Shaun Dalton (Factory Foreman), Gemma O'Duffy (Factory Girl), Mary Cormack (Crone), Carl Mullaney (Bamatabois)

Master: cynicale
Notes: Aside from Geró's various language flubs thoughout the show, Jonny Purchase also mixed up a couple of lines in Valjean's Confession.

June 15 2018

MP3 untracked

Cast: Dean Chisnall (Jean Valjean), Lee Van Geleen (e/c Javert), Carley Stenson (Fantine), Amara Okereke (Cosette), Toby Miles (Marius), Elena Skye (Éponine), Samuel Edwards (Enjolras), Steven Meo (Thénardier), Vivien Parry (Madame Thénardier), James Hume (The Bishop), Raymond Walsh (Grantaire), Barnaby Hughes (Combeferre), Joe Vetch (Feuilly), Antony Hansen (Courfeyrac), Ben Tyler (Jean Prouvaire), James Nicholson (Joly), Andrew York (Lesgles), Adam Bayjou (Brujon), James Hume (Babet), Sam Harrison (Claquesous), Ciaran Joyce (Montparnasse), Adam Bayjou (Factory Foreman), Anna McGarahan (Factory Girl), Anna McGarahan (Crone), Sam Harrison (Bamatabois), Katie Kerr (Old Woman)

Master: wewearadifferentchain
Notes: Lee van Geleen (who left with the 2017/2018 cast) returned as emergency cover Javert. He flubs one line during Fantine's Arrest ("She will rest assured, monsieur, that she will answer to the court") which caused him and Bamatabois to silently laugh at each other for a moment. Mme T didn't manage to help little Eponine properly up onto the table, which is why she sings "you look very well in that little blue hat oops".


West End Revival

March 13 2020

MP3 tracked

Cast: Luke McCall (alt Jean Valjean), Bradley Jaden (Javert), Rachelle Ann Go (Fantine), Lily Kerhoas (Cosette), Shane O’Riordan (u/s Marius), Shan Ako (Éponine), Ashley Gilmour (Enjolras), Gerard Carey (Thénardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thénardier), Billy Jenkins (Gavroche), Martha Adams (Little Cosette), Delilah O'Riordan (Young Éponine), Rodney Earl Clarke (The Bishop), Matthew Dale (s/w Grantaire), Sam Peggs (s/w Courfeyrac), Sam Peggs (s/w Jean Prouvaire), Matt Dempsey (Lesgles), Mark Pearce (Brujon), Cellen Chugg Jones (Babet), Rodney Earl Clarke (Claquesous), Leo Miles (Montparnasse), Richard Carson (Factory Foreman), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Georgie Lovatt (Crone), Matt Dempsey (Bamatabois), Leo Miles (Pimp)

Master: pyladic
Notes: Nice quality audio of this double understudy performance! Stellar performances from the entire cast, but particularly Bradley Jaden, Luke McCall, and Shan Ako.

October 26 2021

MP3 tracked

Cast: Jon Robyns (Jean Valjean), Richard Carson (u/s Javert), Chanice Alexander-Burnett (Fantine), Sha Dessi (Eponine), Harry Apps (Marius), Charlie Burn (Cosette), Gerard Carey (Thénardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thénardier), Jordan Shaw (Enjolras), Max Bispham (Gavroche), Victoria Alsina (Little Cosette), Amelie Bourne (Young Eponine)

Master: Musicalboytrade

July 13 2022 (Matinee)

M4A untracked

Cast: Luke McCall (alt Jean Valjean), Bradley Jaden (Javert), Chanice Alexander-Burnett (Fantine), Sha Dessi (Eponine), Harry Apps (Marius), Charlie Burn (Cosette), Gerard Casey (Thernardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thernardier), Leo Miles (u/s Enjolras)

Master: HBCFG
Notes: Luke McCall gives one hell of a performance of JVJ… with Bring Him Home being a huge standout of the afternoon. Few swings were on, especially for the men but did not catch who!

August 24 2022 (Matinee)

M4A untracked

Cast: Jon Robyns (Jean Valjean), Richard Carson (u/s Javert), Jessica Joslin (t/r Fantine), Claire O'Leary (u/s Cosette), Harry Apps (Marius), Sha Dessi (Éponine), Leo Miles (Enjolras), Gerard Carey (Thénardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thénardier), Harry Newby (Gavroche), Connor Jones (Grantaire), Joseph Anthony (Feuilly/Bamatabois), Christopher Jacobsen (Warnings/Babet)
Notes: Richard's last show as Javert

November 3 2022

M4A/MP3 un/tracked

Cast: Christopher Jacobson (alt Jean Valjean), Adam Robert Lewis (u/s Javert), Natalie Chua (u/s Fantine), Nathania Ong (Eponine), Robert Tripolino (Marius), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Gerard Carey (Thenardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thenardier), Jordan Shaw (Enjolras)

Master: Very Theatrical Trades
Notes: Adam Robert Lewis Second Show as Javert having made his debut at the Matinee. The Lift during Javerts Soliloquy Failed so Adam Had to walk off.

January 19 2023 (Matinee)

M4A untracked

Cast: Christopher Jacobsen (alt Jean Valjean), David Thaxton (Javert), Natalie Chua (u/s Fantine), Benjamin Karran (u/s Marius), Nathania Ong (Éponine), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Gerard Carey (Thénardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thénardier), Jordan Shaw (Enjolras), Sam Lockhart (Gavroche), Mimi Soetan (Little Cosette), Ivy Rose Mann (Young Éponine), Bart Lambert (Grantaire), Donald Craig Manuel (The Bishop/Claquesous), Cameron Burt (u/s Factory Foreman), Matthew Dale (s/w Brujon), Cameron Burt (Feuilly), Ollie Wray (s/w Combeferre), Will Jennings (s/w Joly), Adam Robert Lewis (Courfeyrac), Bart Lambert (u/s Bamatabois), Melad Hamidi (s/w Lesgles), Sam Peggs (Pimp/Babet), Harry Jack (Montparnasse), Louis Emmanuel (Jean Prouvaire), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Georgie Lovatt (Old Woman), Matthew Dale (s/w Warnings), Jodie Nolan (Madame), Bryony Duncan (Wig Maker), Hazel Baldwin (s/w), Yazmin King, Jo Stephenson

Master: forfivemoreminutes
Notes: Hazel split Natalie and Phoebe’s usual tracks. Chris opted up on “I will not forsake my vows” in Thenardiers Inn. Includes cast board. Never to be sold

January 21 2023 (Matinee)

M4A untracked

Cast: Jon Robyns (Jean Valjean), David Thaxton (Javert), Ava Brennan (Fantine), Benjamin Karran (u/s Marius), Nathania Ong (Éponine), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Gerard Carey (Thénardier), Jodie Nolan (u/s Madame Thénardier), Jordan Shaw (Enjolras), Finley Burrow (Gavroche), Daisy Bryant (Little Cosette), Chloe Sullivan (Young Éponine), Bart Lambert (Grantaire), Cameron Burt (u/s The Bishop), Melad Hamidi (s/w Claquesous), Brad Barnley (Factory Foreman/Brujon), Cameron Burt (Feuilly), Ollie Wray (s/w Combeferre), Will Jennings (s/w Joly), Adam Robert Lewis (Courfeyrac), Matt Dempsey (Bamatabois/Lesgles), Sam Peggs (Pimp/Babet), Harry Jack (Montparnasse), Louis Emmanuel (Jean Prouvaire), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Georgie Lovatt (Old Woman), Brad Barnley (Warnings), Hazel Baldwin (s/w Madame), Bryony Duncan (Wig Maker), Natalie Chua, Yazmin King, Phoebe Williams

Master: forfivemoreminutes
Notes: Hazel split Jodie and Jo’s usual tracks. Choices were made today!! Includes cast board. Never to be sold

February 10 2023

M4A/MP3 un/tracked

Cast: Will Barratt (e/c Jean Valjean), Donald Craig Manuel (u/s Javert), Ava Brennan (Fantine), Robert Tripolino (Marius), Nathania Ong (Éponine), Phoebe Williams (u/s Cosette), Gerard Carey (Thénardier), Jodie Nolan (u/s Madame Thénardier), Jordan Shaw (Enjolras)

Master: Very Theatrical Trades
Notes: Donald Craig Manuel’s First Show As Javert and Will Barratt’s First Show Returning to play Valjean.

Fourth UK & Ireland Tour

March 11 2020

MP3 untracked

Cast: Dean Chisnall (Valjean), Nic Greenshields (Javert), Aaron Pyrce-Lewis (Bishop), Jordan Simon Pollard (Foreman), Katie Hall (Fantine), Ebony Jonelle (Factory Girl), George Arvidson (Bamatabois), Tessa Kadler (Madame), Rebecca Bolton, Olivia Brereton, Rebecca Ferrin, Aimee Good, Jenna Innes (Whores), Emily Owens (Old Woman), Helen Walsh (Madame Thenardier), Ian Hughes (Thenardier), Frances Mayli McCann (Eponine), Charlie Burn (Cosette), Liam Marcellino (Montparnasse), George Arvidson (Babet), Adam Boardman (Brujon), Dean Read (Claquesous), Barnaby Hughes (Enjolras), Felix Mosse (Marius), Aaron Pyrce-Lewis (Combeferre), Danny Colligan (Feuilly), Will Barratt (Courfeyrac), Joseph McDonnell (Joly), Jordan Simon Pollard (Lesges), Robert Madge (Prouvaire)

Master: Quarryquest
Notes: Released by songs-of-angry-men

March 30 2022

MP3 untracked

Cast: Dean Chisnall (Jean Valjean), Nic Greenshields (Javert), Katie Hall (Fantine), Ian Hughes (Thenardier), Helen Walsh (Madame Thenardier), Nathania Ong (Eponine), Paige Blankson (Cosette), Samuel Wyn-Morris (Enjolras), Will Callan (Marius), Vishal Soni (Gavroche), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop/Claquesous), Steven Hall (Grantaire), George Arvidson (Bamatabois/Babet), Will Barrat (Courfeyrac), Adam Boardman (Brujon), Harry Chandler (Feuilly), Jenna Innes (Wig Maker), Tessa Kadler (Madame), Caleb Lagayan (Jean Prouvaire), Abel Law (Montparnasse), Joseph McDonnell (Joly), Zabrina Norry (Factory Girl), Emily Owens (Old Woman), Jordan Simon Pollard (Factory Foreman/Combeferre), Dean Read (Lesgles), Rebecca Bolton, Olivia Brereton, Rebecca Ferrin, Aimee Good

Master: batbootlegs
Notes: Second night in Salford. Show stop during Act 2 after The Final Battle. It looked like the barricade got stuck when it was meant to move off stage. When the show started again about 10 minutes later, the barricade was already cleared.

September 1 2022 (Matinee)

M4A untracked

Cast: Will Barratt (alt Jean Valjean), Nic Greenshields (Javert), Tessa Kadler (u/s Fantine), Siobhan O’Driscoll (Eponine), Paige Blankson (Cosette), Caleb Lagayan (u/s Marius), Ian Hughes (Thenardier), Helen Walsh (Madame Thenadier), Samuel Wyn-Morris (Enjolras), Steven Hall (Grantaire), Tia Kerton (Little Cosette), Saskia Toulson (Young Eponine), George Arvidson (Bamatabois/Babet), Jordan Simon Pollard (Combeferre), Aidan Banyard (s/w Courfeyrac), Adam Boardman (Brujon), Harry Chandler (Feuilly), Jamie Pritchard (s/w Jean Prouvaire), Abel Law (Montparnasse/Pimp), Joseph McDonnell (Joly), Dean Read (Lesgles), Rick Zwart (Bishop of Digne/Claquesous), Zabrina Norry (Factory Girl), Emily Owens (Old Woman), Emily Olive Boyd (s/w Madame), Jenna Innes (Wig Maker), Rebecca Bolton, Olivia Brereton, Rebecca Ferrin, Aimee Good

Master: norulesforus
Notes: Siobhan’s second performance as Éponine and she was outstanding.

September 10 2022

M4A untracked

Cast: Dean Chisnall (Jean Valjean), Nic Greenshields (Javert), Rachelle Ann Go (Fantine), Siobhan O’Driscoll (Eponine), Paige Blankson (Cosette), Caleb Lagayan (u/s Marius), Dean Read (u/s Thenardier), Helen Walsh (Madame Thenadier), Samuel Wyn-Morris (Enjolras), Steven Hall (Grantaire), Noah Morgan (Gavroche), Darcey Simms (Little Cosette), Poppy Zhang (Young Eponine), Jordan Simon Pollard (Combeferre), Will Barrat (Courfeyrac), Adam Boardman (Brujon), Harry Chandler (Feuilly), Jamie Pritchard (s/w Jean Prouvaire), Abel Law (Montparnasse/Pimp), Joseph McDonnell (Joly), Zabrina Norry (Factory Girl), Emily Owens (Old Woman), Rebecca Ridout (s/w Madame), Jenna Innes (Wig Maker), Rebecca Bolton, Olivia Brereton, Rebecca Ferrin, Aimee Good

Master: norulesforus
Notes: The clearest audio I’ve ever taken, but it’s also the audio that features the most badly behaved audience I have ever experienced. Just after Master Of The House, a man on my row leaves the theatre and then comes back 5 minutes later with a refill of beer. Sorry if that picks up on the audio. This was a last minute trip, we booked tickets literally 2 hrs before the show and i’m so glad we did. 4 of the swings were on but I don’t know the show well enough to work out who was on for who, so i’ve included the cast board with the audio. Also includes a minutes silence and national anthem for Queen Elizabeth.


UK Misc.

October 1985

Pre-West End

MP3 tracked

Cast: Colm Wilkinson (Jean Valjean), Roger Allam (Javert), Patti LuPone (Fantine), Rebecca Caine (Cosette), Michael Ball (Marius), Frances Ruffelle (Éponine), David Burt (Enjolras), Alun Armstrong (Thénardier), Susan Jane Tanner (Madame Thénardier), Oliver Spencer (Gavroche), Ken Caswell (The Bishop), Clive Carter (Grantaire), Paul Leonard (Combeferre), Gary Huddlestone (Feuilly), Craig Pinder (Courfeyrac), Peter Polycarpou (Jean Prouvaire), Christopher Beck (Joly), Ken Caswell (Lesgles), Dave Willetts (Brujon), Ian Calvin (Babet), Colin Marsh (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Paul Leonard (Factory Foreman), Beverly Klein (Crone), Clive Carter (Bamatabois), Peter Polycarpou (Pimp), Keith Burns (Labourer), Jill Martin (Innkeeper's Wife), Peter Polycarpou (Innkeeper), Colin Marsh (Constables), Jill Martin (Old Woman), Ian Calvin (Fauchelevent)
Notes: Contrary to what has sometimes been claimed, this is NOT the same as the West End 1986 audio. It is significantly longer than the final version and has a lot of different lyrics compared to the better-known version of the musical.


Pre-West End

MP3 tracked

Cast: Colm Wilkinson (Jean Valjean), Roger Allam (Javert), Patti LuPone (Fantine), Rebecca Caine (Cosette), Michael Ball (Marius), Frances Ruffelle (Éponine), David Burt (Enjolras), Alun Armstrong (Thénardier), Susan Jane Tanner (Madame Thénardier), Oliver Spencer (Gavroche), Ken Caswell (The Bishop), Clive Carter (Grantaire), Paul Leonard (Combeferre), Gary Huddlestone (Feuilly), Craig Pinder (Courfeyrac), Peter Polycarpou (Jean Prouvaire), Christopher Beck (Joly), Ken Caswell (Lesgles), Dave Willetts (Brujon), Ian Calvin (Babet), Colin Marsh (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Paul Leonard (Factory Foreman), Beverly Klein (Crone), Clive Carter (Bamatabois), Peter Polycarpou (Pimp), Keith Burns (Labourer), Jill Martin (Innkeeper's Wife), Peter Polycarpou (Innkeeper), Colin Marsh (Constables), Jill Martin (Old Woman), Ian Calvin (Fauchelevent)
Notes: Different from both the 1986 West End audio and the other 1985 Barbican Theatre one. This is similar to the latter, but the libretto has been slightly revised so that parts are closer to the musical's final form. Most notably, Gavroche's death scene is much closer to its familiar form.

August 24 1997

UK Concerts

MP3 tracked

Cast: Jeff Leyton (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Ruthie Henshall (Fantine), Annalene Beechey (Cosette), Matthew Cammelle (Marius), Frances Ruffelle (Éponine), David Bardsley (Enjolras), Chris Langham (Thénardier), Gay Soper (Madame Thénardier), Adam Searles (Gavroche)

August 1 2004

UK Concerts

MP3 tracked

Cast: Nicholas Pound (Jean Valjean), Fred Johanson (Javert), Rebecca Thornhill (Fantine), Jaime Farr (Cosette), Ramin Karimloo (Marius), Dianne Pilkington (Éponine), David Bardsley (Enjolras), Tony Timberlake (Thénardier), Rosemary Ashe (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Haberfield (Gavroche)

May 30 2021 (Matinee) 

West End Concert

MP3 untracked 

Cast: Jon Robyns (Jean Valjean), Bradley Jaden (Javert), Holly Anne Hull (U/S Fantine), Gerard Carey (Thenardier), Charlie Burn (Cosette), Harry Apps (Marius), Shan Ako (Eponine), Jamie Muscato (Enjolras), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame Thenardier) 

Master: Lowen 

Notes: Holly's debut as Fantine.

December 10 2020

All-Star Staged Concert

M4A untracked

Cast: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Michael Ball (Javert), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine), Amara Okereke (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Shan Ako (Éponine), Bradley Jaden (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Connor Jones (Grantaire), Richard Carson (Combeferre), Samuel Wyn-Morris (Feuilly), Luke McCall (Courfeyrac), Harry Apps (Jean Prouvaire), Danny Colligan (Joly), Matt Dempsey (Lesgles), Nic Greenshields (Brujon/Factory Foreman), Jerard Carey (Babet/Bamatabois), Rodney Earl Clarke (Claquesous), Leo Miles (Montparnasse), Ebony Jonelle (Factory Girl), Graienne Renihan (Hair Crone), Kelly Agbowu (Locket Crone), Josefina Gabrielle (Madame), Jon Robyns (Warnings/Major Domo).

Master: forfivemoreminutes

Notes: Includes a pre-show announcement from Matt Lucas as Boris Johnson. Before ‘Master of the House’ Matt and Katy did a bit about the pandemic and the theatres being closed. Never to be sold


International Misc.


Tel Aviv

MP3 tracked

Cast: Dudu Fisher דודו פישר (Jean Valjean), Lior Yeini ליאור ייני (Javert), Riki Gal ריקי גל (Fantine), Tal Amir טל אמיר (Cosette), Avi Toledano אבי טולדנו (Marius), Shulamith Aharon שלומית אהרון (Éponine), Yovel Dor יובל דור (Enjolras), Albert Cohen אלברט כהן (Thénardier), Tiki Dayan תיקי דיין (Madame Thénardier)

Master: Radio Broadcast
Notes: Complete from the radio broadcast, has an announcer describing the scenes. Often labeled as 1987 or 1989.

December 31 1987


MP3 tracked

Cast: Gyula Vikidál (Jean Valjean), Pál Makrai (Javert), Erzsébet Kútvölgyi (Fantine), Zsuzsa Csarnóy (Cosette), Sándor Sasvári (Marius), Anikó Nagy (Éponine), Attila Kaszás (Enjolras), Gyula Szombathy (Thénardier), Ildikó Hámori (Madame Thénardier), Tamás Arany (Gavroche), Dóra Szinetár (Little Cosette)

Master: Soundboard



Pre-Broadway/Toronto Revival

November 30 2013 (Highlights)


Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Andrew Love (u/s Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Andreane Bouladier (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), Aiden Glenn (Gavroche), Ella Ballentine (Little Cosette), Saara Chaudry (Young Éponine), John Rapson (Grantaire)

Notes: 90 minutes of highlights

January 11 2014 (Highlights)


Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Andrew Love (u/s Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Perry Sherman (Marius), Melissa O'Neil (Éponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Lisa Horner (Madame Thénardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Saara Chaudry (Little Cosette), Madison Oldroyd (Young Éponine), Colm Wilkinson (g/p The Bishop), John Rapson (Grantaire), David Silvestri (Combeferre), Matt McMahan (Feuilly), Jonathan Winsby (Courfeyrac), Matt Rosell (Jean Prouvaire), Alan Shaw (Joly), Jason Ostrowski (s/w Lesgles), Aaron Walpole (Brujon), Tyler Murree (Babet), Ashley Wright (Claquesous), Chris Zonneville (Montparnasse), Ashley Wright (Factory Foreman), Kristen Peace (Factory Girl), John Rapson (Bamatabois), Chris Zonneville (Labourer), Caroline Colantonio (Innkeeper's Wife), Ashley Wright (Innkeeper), Jonathan Winsby (Constables), Kristen Peace (Old Woman), Cornelia Luna (Wigmaker), Alan Shaw (Fauchelevent), Aaron Walpole (Champmathieu), Aaron Walpole (Loud Hailer), John Rapson (Major Domo), Tyler Murree (Farmer)

Master: schaaaftrading
Notes: Extended highlights separated by song; runs about 105 minutes. Special charity performance with Colm Wilkinson.



March 2 2003

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Roger Seyer (u/s Jean Valjean), Terrence Mann (Javert), Lauren Kennedy (Fantine), Sandra Turley (Cosette), Kevin Kern (Marius), Diana Kaarina (Éponine), Christopher Mark Peterson (Enjolras), Nick Wyman (Thénardier), Aymee Garcia (Madame Thénardier), Nick Jonas (Gavroche), Christiana Anbri (Little Cosette), Alexandra Rose Sullivan (Young Éponine)
Notes: Great picture and sound, nice filming. Good, clear zooms. Camera-person was sitting at the very back, so picture is grainy from being on maximum zoom.

April 22 2003

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Andrew Varela (u/s Jean Valjean), Terrence Mann (Javert), Jayne Paterson (Fantine), Sandra Turley (Cosette), Kevin Kern (Marius), Diana Kaarina (Éponine), Christopher Mark Peterson (Enjolras), Andrew Hoeft (Gavroche)

Notes: Includes the famous "drunk Stars" by Terry Mann. Watchable video, alright sound. A lot of heads and washouts, nice zooms. For a 2003 recording, this isn't very good at all.


First Broadway Revival

November 16 2006

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Éponine), Aaron Lazar (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Drew Sarich (Grantaire)

MAster: SunsetBlvd79
Notes: First 15 minutes contain some blackouts, but after that its very good. Great picture and sound. A-

May 12 2007 (Matinee)

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Drew Sarich (u/s Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Mandy Bruno (Éponine), Max von Essen (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Ann Harada (Madame Thénardier), Stephen Trafton (u/s Grantaire)

Master: jstars

Notes: Filmed in widescreen (though encoded in 4:3, so there are bars at the top and bottom of the screen), this is a nice capture of some of the new cast members. Drew and Ann give great performances in their roles. The second disc also includes the first 15 minutes of the February 24, 2007 Evening show, filmed from the rear right orchestra.

June 1 2007

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Ben Davis (Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Marissa McGowan (Éponine), Max von Essen (Enjolras), Gary Beach (Thénardier), Ann Harada (Madame Thénardier)

August 24 2007

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Drew Sarich (Jean Valjean), Robert Hunt (Javert), Nikki Renée Daniels (u/s Fantine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Megan McGinnis (Éponine), Max von Essen (Enjolras), Chip Zien (Thénardier), Becca Ayers (u/s Madame Thénardier), Brian D'Addario (Gavroche)

Notes: Some nice closeups/mediums. A nice capture of the new cast. Capture can be dark at times, but mostly in the darker scenes. Includes a technical difficulty when the Barricades first come out, the show is stopped and includes the announcement.. A-


Second Broadway Revival

March 1 2014 (Highlights)


Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche)

Master: schaaaftrading

Notes: First preview. It includes most of the show. Loud excited audience. Blind shot from stage right third row, with no zooms. Keala Settle sprained her ankle at some point between The Robbery and One Day More, resulting in her not being in One Day More and using a cane during Wedding Chorale/Beggars at the Feast.

March 8 2014

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)

Master: SunsetBlvd79

Notes: Audience was full of excitement! The last 20 seconds are missing from the very end due to battery issues

March 29 2014


Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Angeli Negron (Little Cosete), Ben Gunderson (s/w Joly)

Notes:  Some camera wandering and nearly complete video

May 6 2014


Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Andy Mientus (Marius), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)

May 13 2014


Cast: Nathaniel Hackmann (u/s Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)

Master: Turnofthescorpion

May 17 2014

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Aaron Walpole (u/s Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Nikki M James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche)

Master: SunsetBlvd79

Notes: Beautiful HD capture of the Broadway Revival. Aaron has such a big full voice and sounds great in the role. Great performances from Caissie and Will as always!

November 6 2014 (Highlights)

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Matt Rosell (u/s Marius), Melissa O'Neil (u/s Éponine), Jason Forbach (u/s Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Joshua Colley (Gavroche), Adam Monley (u/s Grantaire)
Notes: ACT TWO ONLY! Starts after "On My Own". Heads in the way. Includes BC/EFA speech by John. Video mostly centered around John.

July 1 2015

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), John Rapson (u/s Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Melissa Mitchell (u/s Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Brennyn Lark (Éponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Gavin Lee (Thénardier), Rachel Izen (Madame Thénardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Joe Spieldenner (Grantaire), Weston Wells Olson (s/w Combeferre)
Notes: Act I begins at "The Runaway Cart" and nearly complete Act II. Some obstructions, but audio is quite good. Rapson's last Javert.

USA Misc.

May 29 1999

Third National Tour

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Erick Buckley (u/s Jean Valjean), Todd Alan Johnson (Javert), Joan Almedilla (Fantine), Regan Thiel (Cosette), Tim Howar (Marius), Sutton Foster (Éponine), Kevin Earley (Enjolras), JP Dougherty (Thénardier), Sharron Matthews (Madame Thénardier), Harley Adams (Gavroche)

Notes: The trap door, usually used by the Thenardiers in "One Day More" and Valjean in the aftermath of the Final Battle, seems to be stuck shut during this performance. Therefore, the Thenardiers spend "One Day More" kneeling on the ground, and Valjean awkwardly tries and fails to open the door during the aftermath scene.

February 7 2000

Third National Tour

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Ivan Rutherford (Jean Valjean), Stephen Bishop (Javert), Joan Almedilla (Fantine), Regan Thiel (Cosette), Tim Howar (Marius), Sutton Foster (Éponine), Kurt Kovalenko (Enjolras), JP Dougherty (Thénardier), Christopher Carlson (Gavroche)

Notes: A GREAT video shot from the center of the mezzanine with a digital camera and no obstructions. Great zooming and framing, the taper obviously knew the show. Crystal clear picture and sound quality. A very professionally done cast/crew listing at the beginning of the tape.

August 9 2008

Hollywood Bowl

VOBs with smalls

Cast: J Mark McVey (Jean Valjean), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Javert), Melora Hardin (Fantine), Michele Maika (Cosette), John Lloyd Young (Marius), Lea Michele (Éponine), Tom Lowe (Enjolras), Sage Ryan (Gavroche)

Master: juniper47

Notes: Juni's master filmed in widescreen and can be a little shakey at times in tight zooms. Nice to see the audience version compared to the Proshot one. A- Never to be sold

November 2013

Issaquah, Washington


Cast: Greg Stone (Jean Valjean), Eric Polani Jensen (Javert), Beth DeVries (Fantine), Alexandra Zorn (Cosette), Matthew John Kacergis (Marius), Kirsten deLohr Helland (Éponine), Steve Czarnecki (Enjolras), Nick DeSantis (Thénardier), Kate Jaeger (Madame Thénardier), John Dewar (The Bishop), Jon Lutyens (Grantaire), Ethan Carpenter (Combeferre), Jadd Davis (Feuilly), David Ibarra (Jean Prouvaire), Randy Scholz (Joly), Kyle Anderson (Lesgles), Jonathan P Lee (Brujon), Justin Thornton (Montparnasse)

Master: Pro-Shot

Notes: Single camera on a tripod, soundboard, mix of full-stage and medium shots. An extremely good regional production.

August 2 2014


VOBs with smalls

Cast: Nehal Joshi (Jean Valjean), Edward Watts (Javert), Allison Blackwell (Fantine), Dorcas Leung (Cosette), Justin Keyes (Marius), Elizabeth Judd (Éponine), John Campione (Enjolras), Steven Michael Walters (Thénardier), Christia Mantzke (Madame Thénardier), Spencer Sloan (Gavroche), Hassan El-Amin (Bishop), Jemma Kosanke (Young Cosette), Abby Chapman (Young Éponine)

Master: SJ Bernly

Notes: A great capture of Dallas Theatre Center’s inventively staged production of Les Miserables. The much-talked about production did not disappoint; the modernized visuals create many new layers to the show, and make you think about events and characters in a whole new way. Nehal, Allison, Justin, and Christia were probably my favorites, but the entire cast is so talented, it’s difficult to choose any as standouts. A very nice capture overall. There are a couple quick dropouts in act one, but no major blackouts. There is one head that can be seen occasionally, but it only blocks a small portion of the stage and only affects the action for about 20-30 seconds of the entire show. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent as usual. Includes curtain call and playbill scans.

October 5 2018

Fifth National Tour


Cast: Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Josh Davis (Javert), Mary Kate Moore (Fantine), Jillian Butler (Cosette), Joshua Grosso (Marius), Paige Smallwood (Éponine), Matt Shingledecker (Enjolras), J Anthony Crane (Thénardier), Allison Guinn (Madame Thénardier), Sam Middleton (Gavroche), Cate Elefante (u/s Little Cosette), Matt Moisey (Grantaire), Monte J Howell (Combeferre), Tim Quartier (s/w Feuilly), Christopher Viljoen (Courfeyrac), Patrick Rooney (Jean Prouvaire), Gabriel Sidney Brown (Joly), Andrew Maughan (Lesgles), Felipe Barbosa Bombonato (Babet), John Ambrosino (Claquesous), Steve Czarnecki (Factory Foreman), Ashley Dawn Mortensen (Factory Girl), John Ambrosino (Bamatabois)

Master: hitmewithyourbethshot

West End

May 9 1987

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Martin Smith (u/s Jean Valjean), Clive Carter (Javert), Kathleen Rowe McAllen (Fantine), Jacinta Mulcahy (Cosette), Maurice Clarke (u/s Marius), Jayne Draper (Éponine), Martin George (Enjolras), David Delve (Thénardier), Myra Sand (Madame Thénardier), Cameron Stewart (u/s Grantaire)

Master: House-Cam

Notes: Commonly mistaken as December 28, 1988! Martin Smith was part of the West End cast for 6 months starting December 1986, and the non-circulated first-generation DVD labels the date as 1987/05/09.

December 28 1991

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Stig Rossen (Jean Valjean), Paul Leonard (Javert), Jenna Russell (Fantine), Sarah Jane Hassell (Cosette), Darryl Knock (Marius), Meredith Braun (Éponine), Mike Sterling (u/s Enjolras), David Hampshire (u/s The Bishop), Amanda Dainty (u/s Factory Girl)

Master: House-Cam

Notes: Rarer colour version, more commonly circulating in black-and-white

October 29 2004 (Highlights)

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Tim Godwin (u/s Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Julia Möller (Cosette), Daniel Reeves (u/s Marius), Kelly-Anne Gower (u/s Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)
Notes: Highlights running 37 minutes long, includes the last 21 minutes of Act One, most of the first battle scenes, and the last five minutes or so of Act Two. Audio is very whiny, though the video is clearly from a low generation source with clear picture with lots of great zooms. Footage is very Ramin-centric with much of the focus on his performance as Enjolras when he's onstage.

November 18 2004

West End; Windsor Concert


Cast: Michael Ball (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Gary Tushaw (Marius), Julia Möller (Cosette), Gemma Wardle (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Stephen Tate (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier)

Master: Pro-Shot
Notes: Pro-shot; 32 and a half minutes long. 'Michael Ball was allowed the honour to perform in front of Her Majesty the Queen and French president Jacques Chirac in an exclusive performance of the highlights of Les Miserables. For the first time ever, Michael took over the part of Jean Valjean. ' 418MB MP4 is the original file I'm positive because I've never found any other file type for it.

2012 (Highlights)


Cast: Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert)
Notes: Two MP4 files: “We Meet Again” & “Javert’s Suicide”. Pretty small, and blurry, but nice to see any of this great cast!

December 18 2013

VOBs no smalls

Cast: Daniel Koek (Jean Valjean), Tam Mutu (Javert), Na-Young Jeon (Fantine), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Dougie Carter (u/s Marius), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Éponine), Anton Zetterholm (Enjolras), Carl Mullaney (u/s Grantaire)

Notes: Matinee. Good capture with a lot of nice close up shots.

November 2018

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Dean Chisnall (Jean Valjean), Bradley Jaden (Javert), Carley Stenson (Fantine), Amara Okereke (Cosette), Toby Miles (Marius), Elena Skye (Éponine), Samuel Edwards (Enjolras), James Hume (u/s Thénardier), Vivien Parry (Madame Thénardier), Logan Clark (Gavroche), Andrew York (u/s The Bishop), Adam Filipe (u/s Grantaire), Barnaby Hughes (Combeferre), Joe Vetch (Feuilly), Oliver Brenin (s/w Courfeyrac), Ben Tyler (Jean Prouvaire), James Nicholson (Joly), Andrew York (Lesgles), Adam Bayjou (Brujon), Ciaran Bowling (s/w Babet), Sam Harrison (Claquesous), Ciaran Joyce (Montparnasse), Adam Bayjou (Factory Foreman), Anna McGarahan (Factory Girl), Anna McGarahan (Crone), Sam Harrison (Bamatabois), Ben Tyler (Pimp), Barnaby Hughes (Fauchelevent), Adam Bayjou (Champmathieu), Ciaran Bowling (s/w Major Domo)

Master: NYCG8R

UK Misc.

October 1995

10th Anniversary: The Dream Cast in Concert


Cast: Colm Wilkinson (Jean Valjean), Philip Quast (Javert), Ruthie Henshall (Fantine), Judy Kuhn (Cosette), Michael Ball (Marius), Lea Salonga (Éponine), Michael Maguire (Enjolras), Alun Armstrong (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Adam Searles (Gavroche), Hannah Chick (Little Cosette), Paul F Monaghan (The Bishop), Anthony Crivello (Grantaire), David Bardsley (Combeferre), Matt Cammelle (Feuilly), Jérôme Pradon (Courfeyrac), Peter Polycarpou (Jean Prouvaire), Darryl Knock (Joly), Mike Sterling (Lesgles), Nick Holder (Brujon), Tony Timberlake (Babet), Stephen Matthews (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Michael McCarthy (Factory Foreman), Jackie Marks (Factory Girl), Gareth Snook (Bamatabois), Andy Reiss (Pimp), Peter Polycarpou (Labourer), Glyn Kerslake (Constables), Beverly Klein (Old Woman), Christopher Howard (Loud Hailer), Halcro Johnston (Farmer), Adrian Beaumont, Alasdair Harvey, Alistair Robins, Allan Hardman, Annette Yeo, Cameron Stewart, Charles Shirvell, Christopher Coleman, Claire Machin, Claudia Bradley, Cliff Brayshaw, Craig Schulman, Danny Coll, David Alder, David Arneil, David Delve, David Malek, David Shannon, Egill Olaffson, Ellen Jackson, Fenton Gray, Gerard Leighton-Duffy, Glenn Carter, Grania Renihan, Gyula Vikidál, Hadrian Delacey, Helen Hobson, Henk Poort, Irene Warren, James Barron, James Head, Jan Ježek, Jeff Leyton, Jerzy Jeszke, Joanne Redman, Jody Crosier, John Barr, John Owen-Jones, Julia Howson, Julia Worsley, Krzysztof Stasierowicz, Kurt Ravn, Linda-Mae Brewer, Lynden Edwards, Mario Frangoulis, Mark Turnbull, Mark White, Martin George, Martin Scott Warden, Matthew Gould, Matthew White, Michael Burgess, Michael Cantwell, Myra Sands, Neil Couperthwaite, Nicholas Pound, Nicola Sloane, Norma Atallah, Paul Baker, Paula Simpson, Peter Ledbury, Phil Cavill, Philip Cox, Rebecca Storm, Rebecca Thornhill, Reinhard Brussmann, Richard Burman, Rob Guest, Robert Marien, Sara West, Sarah Hay, Steve Balsamo, Susie Fenwick, Takeshi Kaga, Tommy Körberg, Tricia Deighton, Øystein Wiik

Master: Pro-Shot

Notes: "Features key performers from the original Broadway and London casts like Colm Wilkinson, Phillip Quast and Lea Salonga. Includes the encore performance featuring 17 Valjeans from various productions."

October 8 2015 (Highlights)

30th Anniversary


Cast: Peter Lockyer (Jean Valjean), Jeremy Secomb (Javert), Rachelle Ann Go (Fantine), Zoe Doano (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Éponine), Bradley Jaden (Enjolras), Phil Daniels (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Toby Ungelson (Gavroche), Isabelle Burnham (Little Cosette), Darcy Jacobs (Young Éponine), Ryan O'Gorman (The Bishop), Jo Parsons (Grantaire), Matthew Jeans (Combeferre), Luke McCall (Feuilly), Matthew Harvey (Courfeyrac), Edd Campbell Bird (Jean Prouvaire), Paul Wilkins (Joly), Adam Pearce (Brujon), Ryan O'Gorman (Babet), Adam Bayjou (Claquesous), Michael Riseley (Montparnasse), Adam Bayjou (Factory Foreman), Jo Loxton (Factory Girl), Sanne Den Besten (Crone), Adam Pearce (Bamatabois), Colm Wilkinson, John Owen-Jones, Patti LuPone, Frances Ruffelle, Gerónimo Rauch, Roger Allam, Wales Millennium Kids Choir, Cameron Mackintosh, Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil, Herbert Kretzmer

Master: Pro-Shot

Notes: 30th Anniversary Gala. Includes only the last 30 minutes, the 'Special Finale' with Cameron Mackintosh, Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil, Herbert Kretzmer, John Owen-Jones, Gerónimo Rauch, and the original 1985 cast: Colm Wilkinson, Patti LuPone, Frances Ruffelle, Roger Allam.

August 24 1997

UK Concerts

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Jeff Leyton (Jean Valjean), Michael McCarthy (Javert), Ruthie Henshall (Fantine), Annalene Beechey (Cosette), Matthew Cammelle (Marius), Frances Ruffelle (Éponine), David Bardsley (Enjolras), Chris Langham (Thénardier), Gay Soper (Madame Thénardier)

Master: Pro-Shot

September 25 2010

Third UK (25th Anniversary) Tour

VOBs with smalls

Cast: John Owen-Jones (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Madalena Alberto (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Gareth Gates (Marius), Rosalind James (Éponine), Jon Robyns (Enjolras), Ashley Artus (Thénardier), Lynne Wilmott (Madame Thénardier), Max Griesbach (Gavroche), David Lawrence (The Bishop), Adam Linstead (Grantaire), David Covey (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Christopher Jacobsen (Courfeyrac), Rhidian Marc (Joly), David Lawrence (Lesgles), Ian Caddick (Babet), Carl Mullaney (Claquesous), Luke Kempner (Montparnasse), Carl Mullaney (Bamatabois)

Master: thewho

Notes: Excellent single camera filming slight to the right of centre of the stage from the balcony. Good clear view, for the most part with some wonderful close up and full stage shots. Audio was slightly on the quiet side, so I boosted it a little but is otherwise untouched.

October 3 2010 (Matinee)

25th Anniversary Concert Live at the O2


Cast: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Nick Jonas (Marius), Samantha Barks (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Robert Madge (Gavroche), Mia Jenkins (Little Cosette), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Hadley Fraser (Grantaire), Jonathan Williams (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Killian Donnelly (Courfeyrac), Alistair Brammer (Jean Prouvaire), Jamie Muscato (Joly), Edward Baruwa (Lesgles), Phil Snowden (Brujon), Stephen Tate (Babet), Tony Timberlake (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Jeff Nicholson (Factory Foreman), Grainne Renihan (Factory Girl), Valda Aviks (Crone), Cameron Blakely (Bamatabois), Peter Polycarpou (Pimp)

Master: thewho
Notes: Matinee Performance; recorded from the back of the orchestra section but it is missing about the first 10 minutes of the show which is everything before What Have I Done and as well most of the speeches

October 3 2010

25th Anniversary Concert Live at the O2

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Nick Jonas (Marius), Samantha Barks (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Robert Madge (Gavroche), Mia Jenkins (Little Cosette), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Hadley Fraser (Grantaire), Jonathan Williams (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Killian Donnelly (Courfeyrac), Alistair Brammer (Jean Prouvaire), Jamie Muscato (Joly), Edward Baruwa (Lesgles), Phil Snowden (Brujon), Stephen Tate (Babet), Tony Timberlake (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Jeff Nicholson (Factory Foreman), Grainne Renihan (Factory Girl), Valda Aviks (Crone), Cameron Blakely (Bamatabois), Peter Polycarpou (Pimp)

Master: thewho
Notes:Full show, recorded from the balcony. (Not the proshot)

October 3 2010

25th Anniversary Concert Live at the O2


Cast: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Nick Jonas (Marius), Samantha Barks (Éponine), Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Robert Madge (Gavroche), Mia Jenkins (Little Cosette), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Hadley Fraser (Grantaire), Jonathan Williams (Combeferre), Owain Williams (Feuilly), Killian Donnelly (Courfeyrac), Alistair Brammer (Jean Prouvaire), Jamie Muscato (Joly), Edward Baruwa (Lesgles), Phil Snowden (Brujon), Stephen Tate (Babet), Tony Timberlake (Claquesous), Keith Burns (Montparnasse), Jeff Nicholson (Factory Foreman), Grainne Renihan (Factory Girl), Valda Aviks (Crone), Cameron Blakely (Bamatabois), Peter Polycarpou (Pimp)

Master: Pro-Shot

December 2 2019

The All-Star Staged Concert


Cast: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Michael Ball (Javert), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine), Lily Kerhoas (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Shan Ako (Éponine), Bradley Jaden (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Raymond Walsh (Grantaire), Craig Mather (Combeferre), Vinny Coyle (Feuilly), Niall Sheehy (Courfeyrac), James Nicholson (Jean Prouvaire), Ciaran Joyce (Joly), Andrew York (Lesgles), Leo Roberts (Brujon), Stephen Matthews (Babet), Oliver Jackson (Claquesous), Adam Bayjou (Montparnasse), Gavin James (Factory Foreman), Celia Graham (Factory Girl), Tamsin Dowsett (Crone), Earl Carpenter (Bamatabois), Oliver Jackson (Pimp)

Master: Pro-Shot

Notes: Livestream rip of the cinema screening, includes an intermission of the behind the scenes rehearsal and various trailers of other shows.

February 2022

West End Revival


Cast: Luke McCall (alt Jean Valjean), Bradley Jaden (Javert), Jessica Joslin (u/s Fantine), Charlie Burn (Cosette), Sha Dessi (Eponine), Harry Apps (Marius), Leo Miles (u/s Enjolras), Gerard Carey (Thenardier), Josefina Gabrielle (Mme. Thenardier), Sayer Harrison (Gavroche), Bonnie Harper (Little Cosette), Sienna Sibley (Young Eponine)

Master: hitmewithyourbethshot

International Misc.

April 9 1998

Les Magical Miztory Tour

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Dave Willetts, William Zappa, David Campbell, Natalie Mendoza, Theresa Borg, Chris Fennessy, Todd McKenney

Master: Pro-Shot
Notes: (RARE) Les Magical Miztory Tour: 10 Years of Pent-Up Angst. Easter charity benefit performance of cast members parodying songs and other shows, performed at midnight as part of an annual Australian tradition of Mackintosh shows. These tapes were made for cast and crew only. Includes some backstage footage at the beginning. Limited trades.


Ballarat, Australia

VOBs with smalls

Cast: Andy McCalman (Jean Valjean), George Tsatsakis (Javert), Kym Ivory (Fantine), Bridget Davies (Cosette), Scott Leggo (Marius), Tessa Pavilach (Éponine), Zoy Frangos (Enjolras), Brendan Bawden (Thénardier), Sophie Livitsanis (Madame Thénardier), Alan Edmondson (The Bishop), Dylan Licastro (Grantaire), Josh Vucicevic (Combeferre), Jason Gigliotti (Feuilly), Gareth Prosser (Courfeyrac), Lindsay Pritchard (Jean Prouvaire), Steve Watts (Joly), Matthew Dorning (Lesgles), Alan Edmondson (Brujon), Dylan Shalless (Babet), Josh Vucicevic (Claquesous), Gareth Prosser (Montparnasse), Gareth Prosser (Factory Foreman), Josh Vucicevic (Bamatabois), Alan Edmondson (Pimp), Ian Dunwoodie (Labourer), Melanie-Bree Hardy (Innkeeper's Wife), Steve Watts (Innkeeper), Matthew Dorning (Constables), Sally Balson (Old Woman), Ian Dunwoodie (Fauchelevent), Ian Dunwoodie (Major Domo)

Master: Pro-Shot

Notes: Performed at Her Majestys Theatre. Proshot video with clear picture and sound.

April 23 2016 (Highlights)

Asia Tour


Cast: Simon Gleeson (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Rachelle Ann Go (Fantine), Emily Langridge (Cosette), Paul Wilkins (Marius), Kerrie Anne Greenland (Éponine), Chris Durling (Enjolras), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Helen Walsh (Madame Thénardier), Sebastian Witt (Gavroche), Chloe De Los Santos (Little Cosette), Claudia Ballen (Young Éponine), Matt Harrop (The Bishop), Hugo Chiarella (Grantaire), Tamlyn Henderson (Factory Foreman), Hugo Chiarella (Bamatabois)

Notes: Limited trade. Highlights of 'On My Own', 'Little People', 'Drink with Me', 'Bring Him Home', and 'The Final Battle' in 4 files.

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